Item | Amount(Thausands of yen) | ||
(1)Net sales | (1)売上 | 28451739 | |
(2)Cost of sales | (2)売上原価 | 8019752 | |
Gross profit | 売上総利益 | 20431987 | |
(3)Selling ,general and administrative expenses | (3)販売費及び一般管理費 | ||
1.Advertisement expenses | 1.広告宣伝費 | 266730 | |
2.Sales promotion expenses | 2.販売促進費 | 914139 | |
3.Directors remuneration | 3.役員報酬 | 119129 | |
4.Wages and allowances | 4.給料 | 6946596 | |
5.Welfare expenses | 5.福利厚生費 | 489999 | |
6.Retirement benefit expenses | 6.退職金 | 12832 | |
7.Heat,light and water expenses | 7.水道光熱費 | 1475686 | |
8.Office supplies expenses | 8.消耗品費 | 1080263 | |
9.Rent expenses | 9.建物賃借料 | 4591470 | |
10.Lease charges paid | 10.支払リース料 | 502659 | |
11.Depreciation and amortization ※1 | 11.減価償却費及びその他の償却費 ※1 | 1253967 | |
12.Others | 12.その他 | 1807660 | 19461137 |
Operating income | 営業利益 | 970849 | |
(4)Non-operating income | (4)営業外収益 | ||
1.Interest income | 1.受取利息 | 765 | |
2.Dividend income | 2.受取配当金 | 70 | |
3.Sponsorships received | 3.受取後援 | 248189 | |
4.Rentals received | 4.受取家賃 | 9969 | |
5.Others | 5.その他 | 17496 | 276490 |
(5)Non-operating expenses | (5)営業外費用 | ||
1.Interest paid | 1.支払利息 | 251793 | |
2.Bond interest | 2.社債利息 | 6744 | |
3.New share issuance expenses | 3.新株発行費 | 1835 | |
4.Amortization of bond issuance expenses | 4.社債発行費償却額 | ||
5.Others | 5.その他 | 7114 | 267488 |
Ordinary income | 経常利益 | 979852 | |
(6)Extraordinary losses | (6)特別損失 | ||
1.Losses in valuation of investment in securities | 1.有価証券売却損 | 12409 | |
2.Losses on sale of fixed assets | 2.固定資産売却損 | ||
3.Loss on disposal of fixed assets | 3.固定資産除却損 | 178213 | |
4.Losses on cancellation of lease contract | 4.リース契約解約損 | 27411 | |
5.Losses on valuation of membership right | 5.会員権評価損 | 44060 | |
6.Losses on cancellation of lease contract of buildings | 6.建物リース契約解約損 | 7966 | 270061 |
Net income before income tax | 税引き前純利益 | 709790 | |
Income, inhabitant and business taxes | 法人税等(住民税、事業税) | 400589 | |
Adjustments for income and other taxes | 法人税等調整額 | -17098 | 383491 |
Net income | 当期純利益 | 326299 | |
Profit brought forward | 前期繰越利益 | 101026 | |
Undisposed retained earnings at end of term | 当期未処分利益 | 427325 |
※1 減価償却 減耗償却 無形固定資産の償却
1. 減価償却(Depreciation)は有形固定資産の取得原価を耐用年数にわたって費用配分すること。
2. 減減耗償却(Depletion)は油田やガス田、鉱山などの天然資源を中心とした減耗性資産(Wasting Asset)について資産原価を期間配分すること。
3. 無形固定資産の償却(Amortization)は特許権、商標権,営業権などといった無形固定資産をそれぞれの法定期間内に期間配分することを言います。
Item | Amount(Thausands of yen) | |
(1)Current assets | (1)流動資産 | |
1.Cash and time deposits | 1.現金及び預金 | 3030531 |
2.Accouts receivable trade ※2 | 2.受取債権 ※2 | 241454 |
3.Allowance for doubtful accounts | 3.貸倒引当金 | |
4.Inventries | 4.棚卸資産 | 729654 |
5.Prepaid expenses | 5.前払費用 | 558673 |
6.Deffered tax assets | 6.繰延税金資産 | 42642 |
7.Others | 7.その他 | 168906 |
Total current assets | 流動資産合計 | 4771865 |
(2)Fixed assets | (2)固定資産 | |
1-1 Tangible fixed assets | 1-1 有形固定資産 | |
1.Buildings | 1.建物 | 14105653 |
Accumulated depreciation expenses | 建物減価償却累計額 | -5233267 |
2.Structures | 2.構築物 | 68087 |
Accumulated depreciation expenses | 構築物減価償却累計額 | -35177 |
3.Machiner& equipment | 3.機械 | 516162 |
Accumulated depreciation expenses | 機械減価償却累計額 | -135245 |
4.Automotive equipment | 4.車両 | 15708 |
Accumulated depreciation expenses | 車両減価償却累計額 | -14767 |
5.Tools,furniture and fixtures | 5.備品 | 362767 |
Accumulated depreciation expenses | 備品減価償却累計額 | -100964 |
6.Land | 6.土地 | 685971 |
7.Construction in progress | 7.建設仮勘定 | 878 |
Total tangible fixed assets | 有形固定資産合計 | 10235805 |
1-2 Intangible fixed assets | 1-2 無形固定資産 | |
1.Telephone subscription right | 1.電話加入権 | 34857 |
2.Software | 2.ソフトウェア | 1056 |
Total intangible fixed assets | 無形固定資産合計 | 35913 |
1-3 Investments and other assets | 投資その他の資産 | |
1.Investments in securities | 1.投資有価証券 | 62128 |
2.Stocks of affiliated companies | 2.関係会社株式 | 1632000 |
3.Long-term loans receivable | 3.長期貸付金 | 260 |
4.Long-term prepaid expenses | 4.長期前払費用 | 168441 |
5.Lease deposits and security deposits | 5.賃貸物件敷金 | 7281896 |
6.Membership rights | 6.会員権 | 72582 |
7.Deffered tax assets | 7.繰延税金資産 | 23021 |
8.Others | 8.その他 | 27725 |
Total investments and other assets | 投資その他の資産合計 | 9268055 |
Total fixed assets | 固定資産合計 | 19539775 |
(3)Deferred assets | (3)繰延資産 | |
Bond issuance expenses | 社債発行費 | 14000 |
Total deferred assets | 繰延資産合計 | 14000 |
Total assets | 資産合計 | 24325640 |
Item | Amount( Thausands of yen) | |
(1)Current assets | (1)流動資産 | |
1.Accounts payable-trade ※2 | 1.支払債務 ※2 | 1011878 |
2.Short-term loans payable | 2.短期借入金 | 7480002 |
3.Accounts payable-other | 3.未払い金 | 1363114 |
4.Accrued expenses | 5.未払法人税等 | 369000 |
6.Consumption taxes payable | 6.未払消費税等 | 169074 |
7.Money entrusted | 7.預り金 | 18467 |
8.Others | 8.その他 | 809 |
Total current liabilities | 流動負債合計 | 10672073 |
(2)Fixed liabilities | (2)固定負債 | |
1.Bonds | 1.社債 | 1000000 |
2.Convertible-bond | 2.転換社債 | 0 |
3.Long-term loans payable | 3.長期借入金 | 6867691 |
4.Long-term accounts payable | 4.長期前払費用 | 2243576 |
Total Fixed liabilities | 固定負債合計 | 10111267 |
Total liabilities | 負債合計 | 20783341 |
貸借対照表:Shareholders equity(資本の部)
Item | Amount(Thausands of yen) | |
(1)Common stock | (1)資本金 | 850709 |
(2)Capital surplus | (2)資本剰余金 | |
Capital reserve | 資本準備金 | 896206 |
(3)Legal reserve of retained earnings | (3)利益剰余金 | 17200 |
(4)Other surplus | (4)その他剰余金 | |
1.Voluntary reserves | 1.積立金 | |
Other reserves | 別途積立金 | 1356000 |
2.Unappropriated retained earnings at end of term | 2.当期未処分利益 | 427325 |
Total other surplus | その他剰余金合計 | 1783325 |
(5)Differences in valuation of other securities | (5)その他有価証券評価差額金 | 600 |
(6)Treasury stocks | (6)自己株式 | -5743 |
Total shareholders equity | 資本合計 | 3542299 |
Total liabilities and shareholders equity | 24325640 |
※2 受け取り債権 支払い債務